Question: How do I use the advanced search for better control in Scholar OneSearch?
Last Updated: Jan 09, 2025     Views: 52

You can access the advanced search options in Scholar OneSearch by clicking on the Advanced link above the magnifying glass from the library’s homepage, or link/bookmark this page.

Illustration of location of advanced search button

On the advanced search screen, you’ll see several options that will give you more control of your search.

You can search in specific fields: author/creator, title, or subject (the Library of Congress subject heading).

You can also limit your search to specific material types: book, article, journal, image, audio/visual, archival, game, journal.

You can limit search results by publication date and language.

Illustration of advanced search screen

If you’ve already run a basic search for your topic, you can make many advanced search selections using filters on your results screen. Just look to the left of your search results to see all of the filtering options. These tools can help you narrow your searches and make them more relevant.

For more information and examples, view the brief video or PDF below.

Have more questions about using Scholar OneSearch? Check out the other Scholar OneSearch Tutorials. Need more research help? Check out all our Research Tutorials.
