How do I add references to my paper that EndNote is unable to format correctly, or references that I can’t easily export into EndNote, like government documents?


Some references you may decide to leave out of your EndNote library.  You can type them manually into your paper. First, you will need to know exactly how the reference should look in your chosen citation style.

But how do you get it into your paper, then, alongside your EndNote-formatted references? 

One option is to put the citations (for example, all the government document references, and other things EndNote doesn't do well at autoformatting) together into a finished list as they should look -- adding the list right before the reference list, or after it, at the very end of the paper. Then when you are finished adding all the EndNote-formatted citations, you can add the others in manually, interspersed in the alphabetical list.

In EndNote X9 on the MacOS, within Word, there is a TOOLS feature on the EndNote tab with an option to "Convert to Plain Text." When you start to do it, it recommends that you first save it as a separate document that retains the formatted citations. We recommend this step.  In fact, it would be good to practice this in a dummy document before you unformat all the citations for your actual paper. (It's a step that can't be undone.)

Once you have converted to unformatted citations, you will be able to type normally and not have to worry about the references being overwritten or erased when you refresh the document.

Good luck and let us know if you need more help!


  • Last Updated Aug 02, 2021
  • Views 1046
  • Answered By Erin Beach

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