How do I add the EndNote Cite While You Write Toolbar into Microsoft Word?


For a Mac, follow the instructions in this video for EndNote X9 and the instructions in this video for EndNote 20.

For a PC, see the steps below for both EndNote X9 and EndNote 20:

Follow these steps to add in the EndNote plug-in (Cite While You Write) in Microsoft Word.

  1. In Word, click the File tab and choose Options.
  2. Select Add-Ins from the left hand menu.
  3. Under the heading Active Application Add-ins, check whether you have the EndNote Cite While You Write COM Add-in (see the Type column).
  4. If it is not listed, then go down to the bottom of the window to the Manage drop-down list.
  5. With COM Add-ins showing, click Go...
  6. If CWYW is installed, then EndNote Cite While You Write will appear as one of the add-ins available. Make sure the box beside it is ticked, then click OK.
  7. The EndNote ribbon should appear immediately in Word.

If you're having trouble, please reach out to either ITS or EndNote support directly. 


  • Last Updated Jun 25, 2021
  • Views 90
  • Answered By Alissa Link Cilfone

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