How do I use Knovel e-books?


All Knovel e-books available through Northeastern are listed and linked in Scholar OneSearch, Northeastern's library catalog and discovery system.


  • Engineering and scientific handbooks and reference books
  • Includes unit converter and periodic table


  • An app for offline use of books on handheld devices and in labs and remote sites.
  • Personal highlighting and folders
  • Suggested citations


You cannot download a full book from Knovel, as this is against Knovel’s terms of service, but you may download for temporary offline use with the mobile app. We recommend that you limit your download or prints to 20% of a book at any one time.

  1. Open a section of any book.
  2. To print, click the ‘print’ icon located at the top of the book’s page.
  3. To download, click the ‘download’ icon located at the book’s page. This will open the section as a PDF.

Downloading with the mobile app

  • Users who register with a personal account can download up to 20 titles for offline usage at a time in the app, with up to 20 new titles total per month.
  • Downloaded content will only be accessible through the Knovel ToGo app.
  • After your content has been downloaded, you can access it anytime for up to 30 days offline before coming back online.

Search tips

  • A Knovel search retrieves material in a variety of formats.  You can limit to books by selecting "book titles" in the panel to the left of the search results list. 
  • Data search retrieves numeric and other tabular data contained in Knovel's interactive graphs, equations and tables.

Knovel is optimized for use with current versions of Edge, Safari, Firefox and Chrome. Using older web browsers, or disabling browser features such as JavaScript, cookies and SSL reduces functionality.


  • Last Updated Dec 19, 2022
  • Views 834
  • Answered By Karen Merguerian

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